6 body organs you can donate while still alive


 Donating organs while still alive is generally a complex and carefully regulated process. The organs that can be donated while a person is alive include:

Kidney: Living kidney donation is the most common type of living organ donation. People can live a healthy life with just one kidney, so a healthy individual can choose to donate a kidney to someone in need.

Liver: In some cases, a portion of the liver can be donated from a living person. The liver has the ability to regenerate, so both the donor and recipient's livers can grow back to near-normal size after the donation.

Lung: Living lung donation is rare and usually involves a lobe of the lung rather than the entire organ. It is a complex procedure and not as common as kidney or liver donation.

Intestine: Living intestine donation is very uncommon and typically reserved for specific medical situations, such as in cases of short bowel syndrome.

Pancreas: Living pancreas donation is also possible, usually in the context of a simultaneous kidney-pancreas transplant. This is often done for individuals with diabetes and kidney failure.

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Bone Marrow or Stem Cells: While not technically an organ, bone marrow or stem cells can be donated by a living person. This is typically done through a process called apheresis, where blood is drawn, stem cells are separated, and the remaining blood is returned to the donor.

It's important to note that living organ donation is a major decision and involves thorough medical and psychological evaluations to ensure the donor's safety and well-being. The decision to donate should be carefully considered, and individuals should consult with medical professionals and transplant teams for detailed information and guidance.

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